Perhaps the most prestigious award, as always, is the Lifetime Achievement award. In this category, there are a number of luminaries, including some very good friends of mine such as Alec Couros, Alan Levine and Jane Hart. But I predict the winner of this category is going to be Sir Ken Robinson - his work, more than anyone else's this year, has influenced our thinking as educators, and he has been doing this successfully for a very long time now. If you are a regular blogger, tweeter, or social media enthusiast, you will be familiar with many, if not all of the nominees. Now it's time to vote. It's time to honour those who have contributed to our understanding and sharpened our practice in the use of tools for learning. I wish all those who have been nominated success - they are all winners for reaching the final stage. Let's all vote to tell them just how much we appreciate their contributions. Voting closes on 14th December.
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