9) Leeds, England. Compared to the other locations in my top ten, Leeds may not appear to be particularly silubrious. But you really need to explore the city to discover that it has a lot to offer everyone, whatever your entertainment, cultural or gastronomic tastes. The area I stayed in, around the canal area, is stunning, with extravagant outdoor lighting and some stunning architecture too. I was in Leeds last year to Keynote a Higher Education Academy conference at Leeds Metropolitan University. I enjoyed my visit then, and I enjoyed it just as much this time, where I was keynote speaker for the Txttools Let's talk about TXT event, on the University of Leeds Bodington campus (home of the Bodingtons VLE team). The ALT-C conference will also be held in this fine city in September, on the main University of Leeds city campus. It promises to be another great gathering of the learning technology community.
8) Berlin, Germany. It's the gathering point for the e-learning glitterati at the end of November/beginning of December every year. Online Educa Berlin regularly attracts over 2000 delegates, and in winter the city of Berlin always shimmers in the crisp, snowy atmoshere of Germany's first city. The conference is traditionally held in one of Germany's largest hotels, the Hotel Intercontinental, which is situated centrally in Budapesterstrasse, right next to the city Zoo. I met too many old friends to mention in a single blog post, but also some new friends too. And I was also honoured to be invited to speak at three separate sessions during the conference, with subject as diverse as Web 3.0, digital research ethics and Open Educational Resources. During the event, it snowed heavily, providing a magical backdrop for many meetings and much fun. All too quickly the conference was over and we were wending our ways homeward. Related blog post.
6) Brisbane, Australia. The Gold Coast. Brisvegas. Brizzie. It's just a great place to be. Although I was very jet-lagged, and had been travelling for over 30 hours, it was great to finally arrive in Brisbane. Even though it rained incessantly for the first 3 days I was in the city, it was still very warm, and as my mental fog began to clear, I managed to get out and about and see some of the incredible sights of this glistening city. The South bank cultural area in which I was staying, with its fascinating museums and urbane art galleries was one of the highlights. Enjoying an evening meal on the South bank with Alan Levine and Larry Johnson was another - we all just happened to be staying in the same hotel at the same time - how cool is that? While I was in Australia I also gave a keynote speech to Kaplan University online, and presented two papers at the World Computer Congress, held in the capacious Brisbane Conference and Congress Centre. Perhaps the best highlight of my visit to Brisbane though, had to be the two days I spent with Philip Long's Learning Technology team on the beautiful sub tropical campus of the University of Queensland. My grateful thanks to all of them for welcoming me and looking after me so well with their true Aussie hospitality. Related blogpost.
Tomorrow: My top 5 cities of 2010.
Around the globe by Steve Wheeler is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported License.
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