Thursday, 6 September 2007

Well blogger me...

It's a strange world. The entire ALT-C conference it seems is filled with bloggers. Not only are they blogging about the conference, they are blogging about blogging. The bloggers are even blogging about being blogged about, and blogging about bloggers blogging. Here am I, like an absolute idiot, blogging about the bloggers blogging about bloggers blogging about each other.

Classic example of this is David Bryson's blog, in which he actually carries a slide show with pictures of all the bloggers at ALT-C. I am very relieved to see I am not in any of the pictures. ALT-C 2007 will soon be over, and they are already advertising ALT-C 2008 in Leeds. Only the keynote left to go... I'm about to escape before I go completely blogging mad.

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