Wednesday, 5 September 2007

Web 2.0 will eat itself

My new best buddy James Clay has posted the link to the video created for the Web 2.0 Slam Performing Innovative Practice Workshop at the ALT-C conference here in Nottingham earlier today. It's hosted on YouTube right here and shows the delegates in their small groups performing their own vignettes and parodies of Web 2.0 tools. We laughed until we stopped - a bit like our trip out to the Jongleurs Comedy Club last night (sponsored by our kind friends WIM-Bah! Thank you Bob Mills!) where we laughed until we ached.

Well, already there has been a lot of interest in the Web 2.0 Slam workshop, and a fair amount of blogs and other sites are carrying it. I know my blog hits have gone through the ceiling. Web 2.0 has a habit of looking back in on itself, and reflecting its own capabilities and characteristics. Talking to Mark Stiles tonight over dinner, it appears that Web 2.0 may not exist at all, and if it does, it's in danger of disappearing up its own backside. Or maybe it will simply eat itself. Whatever it is, now all we have to do is try to catch a little of it and make it work for our students...

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