IFIP therefore I am
I've been roped in as co-editor of the proceedings for the Joint Open and Working IFIP Conference: ICT and Learning for Youths (LYICT 2008), which will be in Kuala Lumpur, hosted by the Open University of Malaysia, in July 2008. I'm really looking forward to the event, as firstly I have never been east of Ankara before, secondly, it looks like a jolly decent conference, and thirdly, I get a chance to meet up with a lot of old friends I haven't seen for yonks. Elizabeth Stacey (Deakin University, Australia) will be co-chairing the International Programme Committee, and also co-editing with me will be Doug Brown, whom I have met at previous IFIP conferences such as the TC3 World Computers in Education Conference held in Copenhagen in 2001.
Elizabeth and I have worked together on IFIP's Working Group 3.6 (distance education) since 1999. TC 3 Education is quite an influential group, so it's great to be working with them. Check out the conference website on the link above, and think about submitting a paper! Hope to see you there.
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