Wednesday, 16 December 2009

Limitless learning

We're holding another conference in Plymouth next year! The theme for the 5th Plymouth e-Learning Conference is Learning without Limits - we will address the notion of anytime, anyplace learning. The conference will highlight the growing number of contexts in which learning can take place, and how technology is playing its role. PeLC10 will take place on April 8-9, 2010 in the iconic Roland Levinsky Building on the main University of Plymouth campus. We will focus on the challenges and opportunities brought by formal and informal learning, social networks and personal technologies, mobile learning and innovative on-campus education, virtual and real teaching & learning scenarios, and how teachers and learners are harnessing the power and potential of new and emerging technologies. Our two keynote speakers are Josie Fraser and Donald Clark - the conference website holds further details of costs, joining instructions etc.

As in previous years the conference welcomes proposals for papers, workshops, symposia and demonstrations from across all sectors of education and training, focused on topic areas such as:

Emerging Learning Technologies
Classroom Learning Technology
New Pedagogies and Practices
Mobile Learning, Ambient and Pervasive Technologies
Games for Learning
3D Multi User Virtual Environments
Social Web and Social Networking
Digital Literacy
Digital Identity

We hope to see you in Plymouth for 2010. The deadline for proposals (300 word abstracts) is 15th January. Get your proposal in soon, and .... book early!

Join the Pelican Fringe

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