Tuesday, 11 December 2007

The Digital Classroom

I'm thrilled that my new book will be published this side of Christmas. Entitled 'The Digital Classroom: Harnessing Technology for the Future', it will be published by Routledge (David Fulton) next week, and it's something I have been working on with my co-author professor Peter John, for the last year and a bit. We actually wrote it last summer, but due to pressure of work and a change of job for Peter, things have lagged a little and the publication was delayed. Peter has now taken up the post of Vice-Chancellor at Thames Valley University.

Here's the blurb from the book for those who are interested: "Based on a major research project (the InterActive Project), this book explores and illustrates how digital technologies can transform learning across the curriculum. Using a wide range of educational settings - primary, secondary, school and home - it will help practitioners think about, plan and execute effective learning in their classrooms and beyond. It will show teachers how they can 'harness technology for the future' by covering important topics such as: personalised learning; using ICT for pupils with special needs personal; use of ICT and home-school links designing; and, 'digital' classrooms. By weaving 'evidence based practice' into each chapter, the book will provide extensive guidance, practical advice and insights into working in the 'digital classroom' for all primary and secondary school teachers."

We are looking forward with this volume, tracking trends in learning technology, particularly within the compulsory education sector, and there are sections on social software, interactive whiteboards and extended classrooms so it should appeal to a wide readership. If you read it and have any comments to make on it, please let me know via a comment on this blog. It would be great to hear from you, good, indifferent, or bad....!

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