Tuesday, 4 December 2007

Buzz words for 2007

Running under the title of Schott's Alamanac, the Times newspaper today carries an article about all of the new buzz words that have supposedly been introduced in 2007 and suggests that these are the words that will define the year. Many of them are technology words already familar to Edubloggers and some are irritatingly unfamilar.... shall we?
  • Podslurping: Illicit copying of data to a portable storage device (e.g. iPod)
  • e-Thugs: Online cyber bullies
  • Lifecasting: Webcasting all your life's activities 24/7
  • iSlavery: Apple's attempts to lock iPhone users into one network provider
  • Macolyte: Someone who worships at the altar of all things Apple
  • Network promiscuity: Tendency by social networkers to spread their membership across FaceBook, MySpace, Bebo, etc... (See also FaceHooked, an addiction to FaceBook; Face vs Space, war for supremacy between FaceBook and MySpace; FaceBlocking, where companies ban employees from accessing social sites at work)
  • GoogTube: Offspring of the marriage between Google and YouTube
  • Flog: A fake blog run by a company or marketing agency posing as a real-life consumer
  • Upgrage: Upgrade rage experienced by all those installing Windows Vista
  • Exergaming: Unlkely combination of exercise and gaming (Wii all need it)
  • Cyber-vetting: Use of the web to assess the (inter)NET REP(utation) of potential employees
  • UGC: User generated content
  • Blogola: Fees (or bribes) paid to bloggers for favourable comments (Never had any offered...)
  • Digerati: Elite members of online communities and computer industry
  • Meganiche: The theory that because of the vastness of the Internet, even obscure items or content can receive massive exposure and publicity

Well fancy that. Any of the above resonate with you? Some of it sure does with me. But some of them go back a few years, so although they may now define 2007, some may actually also define the first few years of this century, I think.

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