Hey - you'll believe a man can fly! I'm not looking forward to the longhaul flights or the jetlag, and I'm left wishing I could actually fly like Superman, around the world in seconds. Mind you, but once I'm there, I'm sure I will have a great time. I'll be touring around, meeting people, learning all about their work, and of course sharing my own ideas.
That's always the best part - meeting people who are doing similar things to you, but in other parts of the world. Usually turns out they have the same problems, and run into the same barriers as you do, so you don't feel so alone.
So I'm looking forward to speaking to others involved in implementing, designing and researching technology enhanced learning environments, and perhaps learning some new tricks and tips to improve my own practice. If I can share any of my own ideas and positively influence someone else's practice, I will be very happy.
My speaking itinerary is quite a good one, with some time built in to see a little of Brisbane, visit the New Zealand side of the family in Auckland and see a few of the sights. But I'm no superman, and I anticipate being very tired by the end of it.
For those interested, here's my speaking schedule:
20 September: 2 papers at the World Computer Congress, Brisbane Conference Centre, Australia.
22 September am: Keynote speech (online) for the Connect, Communicate, Collaborate Kaplan University Village Conference, USA
22 September pm: Invited seminar at University of Queensland, Australia.
27 September: Keynote speech for the New Zealand Applied Business Education Conference, Hawkes Bay, New Zealand.
29 September: Invited seminar at Waikato University, Hamilton, New Zealand.
30 September: Invited seminar at Auckland University of Technology, Auckland, New Zealand.
6 October am: Invited research panel, Ulearn Conference, Christchurch, New Zealand.
6 October pm: Keynote speech, Ulearn Conference, Christchurch, New Zealand.
7/8 October: 2 workshops for the Ulearn Conference, Christchurch, New Zealand.
So there you have it. I'm thanking all my hosts in advance for the hard work they have put in organising flights, accommodation, transfers, etc. They are a great bunch, these Aussies and Kiwis! If you are intending to go to one or more of these events, please say hello to me. I'm house trained and it's been years since I bit anyone. I fly back to the UK on 10 October, in time to speak at a Teachmeet at the University of Plymouth on the morning of Monday 11 October. If I'm still compos mentis, that is.
I'm no Superman by Steve Wheeler is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported License.
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