Tuesday, 13 July 2010

Web 3.0: The Way Forward?

There were some interesting presentations at the Vital Meet seminar tonight, held at St James' School in Exeter. Chris Fuller (Follow him as @ChrisFullerisms on Twitter) spoke about Moblogging and argued that blogging while mobile fits into the ethos of a lot of young people. They enjoy living in the 'here and now' so would probably benefit from posting their observations and thoughts on the move rather than wait until later. Dan Roberts (@ChickenSaltash) reported on how his School, Saltash.Net in Cornwall is using a number of Web 2.0 tools to promote collaboration and creative approaches to learning in school. Peter Yeomans (@ethinking) from my own Faculty of Education at the University of Plymouth provoked some interesting discussion around the problems of trying to encourage undergraduate students to collaborate in online learning environments. Alistair Fitchett, an Assistant Head teacher at Tiverton High School in North Devon, gave an excellent opening talk on how his school is harnessing the power of new technologies to create excellence in learning. The team from The Welsh Connection, including St James' own Stephen Farmer (@StephenFarmer) spoke on how they were using a number of open source web tools to connect schools across the South of Wales and the West Country of England. I won't forget the pronouncement of the trio of awesome - Moodle, Elgg and Mahara. (I know that will please a number of people I know, not least @Networking_lady)!

My own presentation was entitled Web 3.0: The Way Forward? in which I attempted to paint a picture of future emerging technologies for learning. It's a very difficult task, because often we are wide of the mark when we try to predict technology trends. However, I called upon a number of my recent posts, such as e-Learning 3.0 and Anatomy of a PLE to illustrate what I think may happen in the next year or two, and how the Semantic and Pragmatic aspects of the Web, coupled with smart mobile devices may extend, enhance and transform the learning experience. I hope you find the slideshow useful and very much welcome your comments.

Related posts:

The eXtended Web and the Personal Learning Environment: Rita Kop
X Web: George Siemens
Web 3.0: The Way Forward? Stephen Downes

Creative Commons Licence
Web 3.0: The Way Forward? by Steve Wheeler is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported License.
Based on a work at steve-wheeler.blogspot.com.

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