Wednesday, 10 February 2010

Microblogging downunder

I've been working with Graham Attwell (@grahamattwell) Johannes Magenheim and Wolfgang Reinhardt (@wollepb) on a workshop proposal recently. It's a one day workshop on microblogging which we have called MicroECoP and we hope it will create a lot of interest. The workshop will take place on 24 September, during the IFIP World Computer Congress in Brisbane, Australia this September. We are currently assembling an impressive list of Twitterati who will serve as our advisory editorial board, and the call for papers is now open.

So, here's the deal. If you have any interest in Twitter, Plurk, Tumblr or any other online short messaging tool, please visit the site and then think about putting in a paper, demonstration or workshop for the event. It promises to be lively, informative and inspirational. The official hastag will be: #microecop. And of course, it will take place in the spectacular surrounds of beautiful Brisbane in the Australian springtime. We hope to see you there!

Related posts:

CfP: Workshop MicroECoP (Wolfgang Reinhardt)

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