Thankfully, my trekking is over (at least for a while) and I can now sit back and reflect on what I have learnt from my 'research'....
Experimental research: Firstly, I have discovered that students enjoy wine tasting, but don't know how to do it properly (spit not swallow) and I have gathered the empirical evidence to support this hypothesis. The photos of our trip to a vineyard and the bumpy ride around the countryside on tractors (made in 1941), belching fumes (the tractors not the students) and towing wooden carts equipped with tables and copious samples of wine, constitute the raw data which I am currently scrutinizing. The participants (n=24) were divided into two groups - a control group (those who drank alcohol) and an experimental group (those who drank even more alcohol and can't actually remember what they did). A caveat applies to this experimental design however. Students should never be allowed to drive tractors, because they tend to crash them and cause varying amounts of collateral damage. There is also a confounding variable of alcohol intake which proportionately influences this effect (Worms, Germany).
Social research: The research done naturalistically on the streets of Cork is worth a mention. The Irish are wonderfully friendly people who will do just about anything to help you out. So many times we were asked if we needed help, often we received it without asking, and once or twice we got help when we didn't need it at all. The taxi drivers were a real hoot, and the teachers in the school we visited were extremely dedicated professionals. Ireland's education system appears to be in good hands (Duglas and Cork, Ireland).
Experiential research. Feed enough 3 course dinners to a bunch of students and eventually they will get 'fed up' with it. That was the finding of the gastronomic reseach I conducted. Toward the end of the second week one of my student participants said he never wanted to see another 3 course dinner in his life. The Atlantis Project became known as 'Fatlantis' as we were all overfed each night due to the more than generous funding of 'Herr Oberst' Udo Bleimann (Ireland and Germany).
Cultural research: There is more fun to be had in Barcelona than you can shake a stick at. Making paella in a workshop restaurant, and then eating it. Strolling down Las Ramblas and gazing at the amazing architecture as you follow the footsteps of Antonio Gaudi, Pablo Picasso and Joan Miro - these are great memories of three days spent there this month. The summit meeting produced some challenging action points which will be published later in a respectable journal (Barcelona, Spain).
Corporate research: We visited SAP AG which was an excellent place to hang out for a few hours - it felt more like a university campus than a software company. It's one of the top multi-national software development companies and was recently voted one of the best places to work. The interviews we conducted with the Human Resources and Training personnel supported this as a viable claim. We could see why, and it was all I could do to prevent two of my group from absconding there and then (Walldorf, near Heidelburg, Germany).
Research into the spiritual domain: If you want to put the fear of God into your students, tell them they are going to be unreasonably charged by Ryan Air for overweight suitcases > 15 KG. They are observed to discard all sorts of stuff including toiletries, bottles of beer and hairdryers so they don't have to pay extra out of their meagre student grants. The study revealed that Ryan Air are not to be trusted though - the hidden charges they impose are ludicrous and they lack any consistency in their policies (Frankfurt Hahn Airport).
Research into e-Learning: Web 2.0 tools are being used for teaching in the physical sciences, and they are experiencing similar problems and successes as we have seen in teacher training. My keynote to the HEA Physical Sciences Centre conference at Leeds Metropolitan University was well received. I talked about some of the educational principles that underpin the use of wikis, blogs and other Web 2.0 tools and there was much animated discussion.
And finally, some autobiographical narrative: I'm very tired, and I am losing my voice (blame the laryngitis fairy), and yet I'm strangely satisfied by the entire experience. I've learnt a lot, and all the travel, onerous though I found it, was worth it in the end. And the sleeping animal in the picture? That's me, that is.
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