Wednesday, 26 August 2009

What are you doing?

Do you use Twitter regularly? I'm presenting a workshop on Twitter at the ALT-C conference at the University of Manchester later this month and will repeat the workshop at the end of September during the ICL Conference in Villach, Austria. The workshops are mainly for beginners, but those who are more practiced in using Twitter are also welcome. I have been using Twitter both professionally and personally over the last two years and have blogged about it periodically. See for example my Teaching with Twitter post from January this year where I offer ten uses of Twitter in the classroom and my views on the semantic qualities of the microblogging tool: Is Twitter the Semantic Web?

One of the things I'm keen to find out about is how people are using Twitter for a) teaching and learning and b) for their own personal networking. I'm therefore seeking for Twitter users to respond to some questions in the comments box below this post. The best responses will be used as examples of people's use during the workshops, and you will get full credit for your contributions (unless of course you shoose to remain anonymous).

The questions are: How do you use Twitter in formal learning contexts? How do you use Twitter for personal networking? What do you feel Twitter is most useful for? What do you think are the main disadvantages of Twitter? Thanks!

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