Well, Twitter won't be appearing in any store catalogues, but it might just be reaching its zenith in terms of use and popularity. Over at e-Learning Stuff, James Clay has pulled off no mean feat of insight by identifying 10 reasons why Twitter will eventually wither and die, and interestingly none of them are to do with the invasion of the likes of Oprah (an anagram of Harpo) and Ashton Kutcher (supply your own anagram) - although he does make reference to false celebrities. In amongst all the hyperbole about Twitter, it is refreshing to hear a counterpoint, even if it may read uncomfortably for some.
Although I enjoy using Twitter, and have tried out some nice little ideas about how to harness its potential in my own classrooms (see for example my earlier post entitled Teaching with Twitter), it may just, I fear, begin to go the way of some other social software tools. Yesterday I closed down my Bebo account, having failed to use it for more than 86 weeks. I currently use my Facebook account about once every 2 weeks and came perilously close yesterday to closing that down too, in a judicious spate of spring cleaning. As the late, great George Harrison once said: 'All things must pass'.
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