No matter, next week I'm attending Handheld Learning 2008 at the Brewery in London, and for once in my life, I am not presenting a paper, chairing, organising, demonstrating, exhibiting or otherwise making a nuisance of myself. I'm simply there as a punter (.....*and relax*). I am really looking forward to hearing how people are using mobile and handheld technologies in teaching and learning, and hope to make some new contacts while I'm there. Their organisation looks excellent, and they have already set up an online discussion forum and several services including Twitter and Twemes streams (just as we would expect them to!).
There are several noteworthy speakers I will be making an effort to go and hear, including Stephen Heppell, danah boyd (why is it she has her name in lower case, and what dreadful revenge does she mete out on those who fail to comply?) and Keri Facer. Marc Prensky, who is speaking at both events, will no doubt cause some consternation and controversy as usual. All have contributed significantly to our understanding of digital learning technologies, and all will no doubt have some interesting things to say. And of course, old friends such as Mike Sharples, Kath Trinder, James Clay, Mark Kramer and John Traxler should all be on good form. If you see me, say hello. I haven't bitten anyone in years....
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