Tuesday, 5 February 2008

A JISCy Business

There are a number of conferences I plan to attend this year, so I can find out what the latest is on e-learning and how it is being embedded in education. If you bump into me, do say hello ..... I haven't bitten anyone in over a year now. I have also been invited to speak at several conferences, and will do my best to report back from as many events as I can over the year, right here in this blog.

One particularly interesting fast approaching event is hosted by the JISC South West Regional Support Centre in Bristol, on April 8th, four days after the Plymouth e-Learning Conference. Entitled Innovation through partnership, the one day event will showcase several recently funded projects. Mobile learning will feature, as will videoconferencing. Shibboleth will rear it's head, and digital repositories will put in an appearance. My two (yes two) papers will feature our CETT funded projects on blogging for mentors and wikis for delivery of the minimum core delivery. You'll be hearing so much about these two studies from this blog over the year that you will probably sell up house and move somewhere where the internet isn't... Mars is a possible option.

Anyway, I'm looking forward to attending, and hearing some interesting, kind of JISCy stuff. See you there maybe...?

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