Monday, 8 October 2007

...while the iron is hot

We're in the sixth day of the UK mail strike, and I have to say I don't feel at all affected by it. If this had happened five years ago I might have. Now though, I am becoming less and less dependent on the paper based mail system, with much of my communication done electronically. I was throwing out stuff from my office a couple of days ago, and came across a sheaf of paper memos from about 10 years ago. I can't believe I actually used to write memos on a wordprocessor, and then churn them out onto paper, before posting them through the internal mail! I even used to take photocopies of the memos and punch them with little holes so I could keep them in a file!! How sad is that?

One thing I do get through the post all the time is junk mail - usually letters addressed 'to the occupant' - 'cos the sender is a bulk mailer and can't be asked to find out who actually lives in which house. These go straight into the green recycling bin. Those that are addressed to me from credit card companies trying to sign me up get a different treatment. I take the contents out, write 'PLEASE REMOVE ME FROM YOUR MAILING LIST' all over the application form, and send the lot, glossy flyers and all, back to the sender in their pretty little pre-paid envelopes. They then have the pleasure of paying for two mail shots to discover that I'm not interested. It works. I don't hear from the toe-rags again.

I wish it was as simple with e-mail spam. I would love to be able to get my hands on a program that sends spam messages back to the little *********s (like a million times). No such luck (unless anyone knows of something?). The strike will be over soon, and then I will be back to shredding and green binning all the junk mail cascading through my mail box. And of course, weeding the garden of my e-mail box on a regular basis to prevent myself from being completely overgrown...

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