Monday, 11 June 2007

Saving face

A few days ago I set up my own FaceBook account. I already have 6 friends, all people I know in some way or another. 2 others have also tried to hook up with me, but I don't know them from Adam (who is also not one of my friends) so I declined the offer. You can't be too careful - they could be axe murderers or window salesmen or something worse.

Anyway - it's similar to other social networking spaces such as Bebo (which has a much younger user base) and MySpace (where age doesn't seem to matter - they take anyone). FaceBook seems to be for twenty-somethings, who are linked to a university, college or other youth fraternity. So why, I hear you asking, am I also on FaceBook, seeing that I'm ancient and decrepit and other perjorative, ageist terms (how dare you...). Well, have you ever heard of participant observation? Gotta be in it to view it...

I noticed one thing right away - students seem to prefer to communicate using FaceBook more than standard e-mail. They can say more, add their own views without fear of censorship, and embellish their comments with pictures, profanities, voting, interest groups, etc. On the University of Plymouth FaceBook network there were 6,890 members earlier this week. I checked again today and there are 7,012. About a quarter of the student population at Plymouth. Astounding growth. Let's watch and see what happens....

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