Monday, 8 January 2007

Liquid Learning runs hot

Star blog of the week award has to go to Liquid Learning: Blogging the Future - a blog by Dr Steve Warburton who is IT and e-Learning Manager at Kings College London. Steve's take on Second Life has just been posted on his blog today. This very minute. Go there.

Steve writes: "If, as it seems to me, the authenticity of the SL experience constantly needs to be defended by 'fans' (not just here but in many quarters) then the crude collapsing of SL and RL (Real Life) to justify this authenticity is a bizarre way to accomplish this. The most glaring disjuncture for me is simply is the naming of avatars, the lack of [RL] profiles and the almost obsessive desire of most SL citizens to avoid any link to their real world selves".

Now didn't I just ....?

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