I am in the process of ditching 10 years or more of accumulated junk from my office prior to our move across to the new Rolle Building, here on the main Plymouth campus.
You know what it's like - you come across something and think, shall I throw it out or shall I keep it? Well, I came across some old medical terms in some handouts from my days in the NHS and nurse training which I thought were interesting... So I'm throwing them out, but keeping them at the same time, because they now appear here on my blog...
Benign ... what you are after you be eight
Caesarean Section ... A district in Rome
Congenital ... friendly
Denial ... A river flowing through Egypt
Dilate ... to live longer than anyone else
Morbid ... a higher offer
Nitrate ... higher than the day rate
Node ... was aware of
Protein ... in favour of young people
Tumour ... an extra pair
Urine ... opposite to 'you're out'
Varicose veins ... veins which are very close together
There are some more which are just too darn rude to post on this very nice and inoffensive blog, but it makes you wonder. If that's the kind of handout they were giving out in the nurse training programmes, no wonder the NHS is in the state it's in...
Friday, 25 July 2008
This won't hurt a bit
Saturday, 19 July 2008
Letting our hair down
The BBC EastEnders actress Pam St Clement (Pat Butcher) was present to add a touch of colour to the proceedings. She used to be a student at Rolle College (a former incarnation of the Faculty of Education at Exmouth campus) where she qualified as a teacher. She was there to receive an honourary doctorate for her services to entertainment and education. Next year we will be conducting our Degree Awards Ceremony at another historic location - on Plymouth Hoe. It will all take place in a huge marquee, and I hope it's anchored down well - the winds are strong up there at this time of the year. And I don't know how on earth they will manage to get a full sized pipe organ into the tent...
Friday, 18 July 2008
Fame again please
Well, they covered the story two weeks ago in one of the local rags. You know, local boy does good on the world stage. I am of course referring to the fellowship awarded to me by EDEN last month in Lisbon. So I get a call last night to say - do you know your picture is in the paper tonight? My first reaction was - you hum it, I'll play it.
But when I looked, there I was in full colour with a big headline in the Evening Herald. I didn't expect them to run the story again, but they have, this time with a photo. There is some journalese of course - 'Globetrotting academic', 'Lecturer nets fellowship', etc. Then there follows some editorial about what the jorunalist thinks e-learning is and how I can keep students away from lecturers through the use of technology. As if I would do such a thing... It's all the newspaper cliches I can't stand. But, I guess, all publicity is good publicity, at the end of the day, if you know what I mean.
But when I looked, there I was in full colour with a big headline in the Evening Herald. I didn't expect them to run the story again, but they have, this time with a photo. There is some journalese of course - 'Globetrotting academic', 'Lecturer nets fellowship', etc. Then there follows some editorial about what the jorunalist thinks e-learning is and how I can keep students away from lecturers through the use of technology. As if I would do such a thing... It's all the newspaper cliches I can't stand. But, I guess, all publicity is good publicity, at the end of the day, if you know what I mean.
Thursday, 17 July 2008
Mouse droppings

I guess it's progress and we all need to move on. But I hope that this is not the total demise of the mouse. I think there's still some life left in the old dog yet...
Wednesday, 16 July 2008
Fascination and boredom

More interesting by far, it seems, are the two blog links I have been sent today by my new best buddy Flea Palmer (makes good tea too). One is the EDALT and Faculties Learning Technology Projects page, detailing what the blighters do with all their time. The other is the central Learning Technology Team Blog which contains random jottings and thoughts about learning technology, teaching and Web 2.0. Much more interesting than an in-flight movie, and certainly more informative. IMHO.
Flea Palmer,
learning technology,
Sunday, 13 July 2008
Sri Lankan Airways came up trumps. I flew in last night to Columbo and was greeted by a driver who took me direct to the Brown Beach Hotel (pictured above) - an idyllic, though slightly run down holiday resort, paid for by Sri Lankan Airlines. I spent a relaxing evening sitting on the beach, watching the surf come in and laughing at the antics of the lizards, tree rodents and other fauna.
There is a line of palm trees that demark the boundary from the hotel to the beach. Cross it and you become prey to the colourful hawkers and opportunists that lurk along the beachline. I was accosted at least 4 times by people desperate to sell me cigaretts, towels, watches, T-shirts ... you name it. By far the best scam though was the little old man who engaged me in conversation on the beach. He claimed he was in the 1956 Ceylon Cricket Team that toured England - Jerry de Silva. He was the opening bat and the wicket keeper apparently. He knew all about those who played in the England team, Fred Truman, John Edrich, you name them. He knew them personally. Knew when they had died, what they died from, what their favourite drink was. Very convincing. Then he pulled out his pet 'charity' - a local school for the deaf, and asked me for a contribution! Well how could I refuse? Easily. I shook his hand, which was like a child's hand. Certainly not a wicket keeper's hand anyway.
Brown's Beach is certainly a nice place to be marooned though, even if I have missed a few appointments back in the UK because of the lack of decency from eBookers.
Saturday, 12 July 2008
Waxing lyrical about Malaysia
We moved onto the Open University of Malaysia where we were hosted by Dr Zoraini Wati Abbas, who heads up the quality and innovation centre. The University is very new, having opened in 1999 but already boasts more than 70,000 students, all studying in blended learning format across all the states of Malaysia. A combination of face to face tutorial meetings, correspondence mail outs and online learning using web based delivery and tutor moderated discussion groups is the standard format, redolent of the British Open University programmes.
On a personal note: I visited a bookshop in the massive 1.5 million square foot, 6 storey Suria Shopping Mall underneath the imposingly impressive twin Petronas Towers, looking through the Education section, with Zoraini. We were browsing through ICT and learning technology books and comparing our finds. Zoraini suddenly picked out a book and said – ‘oh, this looks good ... The Digital Classroom!’ Then she did a double take and realised it was one of mine. I was pleasantly surprised to see that my humble jottings were on sale even over here on the other side of the world in Kuala Lumpur. To cap it all, one of the German Conference delegates actually bought a copy from the store and got me to sign it for him. A pleasant end to a very pleasant day.
Wednesday, 9 July 2008
Twisting by the pool
I have eaten prawns every which way now. Even tried sushi last night, but I won't be doing that again. 'Be adventurous, Steve' said one of my hosts, encouragingly, pointing to a plate of large spider crabs. I looked closely. I thought I saw it move, so I did too. Sharpish. In the opposite direction. But generally the food here is great and the company is excellent. For the strong stomached among us, there is even Prawn Sambal (a very, very hot curry) on offer at breakfast.
I have met so many interesting people from every corner of the globe, and I am in no doubt that several friendships have been forged that won't stop here in KL. Today I spent an intensive but rewarding time chairing the first of two days of working conference, in which my group of 20 academics explored the theme of 'Digital Divides and Cultural Understanding'. They came up with some very interesting research proposals. The results will be up on a wiki over the next few weeks, but we are not sure what we will be doing yet, with our musings. There is the option to write joint authored journal articles, or more likely, proposals for conference papers for next year's IFIP event, which will be held in Brazil. We will see tomorrow when we do the wrap up plenary sessions.
In the meantime, jet lag is kicking in again, but later each day. Just in time for me to fly back and endure another four days adjusting at the other end. Oh, deep joy....
Tuesday, 8 July 2008
Thinking around corners

I was a punk the first time around, in 80s Britain (to be honest I was probably more new-wave actually, because punk was essentially late 70s - I played in a band that was fast, loud and furious, and we stood against the mainstream culture of the time). I still have the punk attitude, to be frank - that rebellious streak - and it has carried through into my professional life, so perhaps I am one of them there edupunks. I am against the sterile, meaningless Managed Learning Environments (read BlackBoard, SharePoint and yes, even Moodle) that universities and colleges push which are purpose built to maintain strict control. They constrain the use of materials, and ensure that only bona fide students are allowed in. The students don't like them, and only use them because they have to. Anything an MLE can do, the social web can do just as well, if not better.... oh, and did I mention, usually for free. I'm really thinking about my students and what's best for them.
And that is my version of Edupunk, so I'm glad Jim Groom coined the phrase. When you have a mysterious illness, it is often a relief to be diagnosed, so that you put a name to your illness. The same applies to my 'condition' - I often swim against the mainstream, and try to find ways to subvert 'accepted practice' and I like to 'think around corners'. So it is nice to find a word that describes my condition. Whether 'Edupunk' will survive as a movement or will be strangled at birth remains to be seen. But at least now I know that there are others out there who think the same as me.
There is a tension between the Web 2.0 culture and Higher Education control mindsets and it is difficult to know how this can, or will be resolved. The bottom line is this - the MLE is dead, and the corpse needs to be removed before it stinks the place out. Trouble is, the university managers don't know it's dead, but they know it cost a lot of money, so there it remains, quietly rotting away.
Check out more on Edupunk on Stephen Downes blog, here at Professors go edupunk, and also in the Wikipedia pages.
Monday, 7 July 2008
Interesting friends...
Someone yesterday gave me an alternative to IFIP - 'International Friends in Interesting Places', and I guess that is what IFIP is really all about. I have had some very interesting conversations with colleagues from all over the world in the last 24 hours, and you can learn a great deal from those. Last night I was also voted in unanimously as the new chair for Working Group 3.6 (Distance Education) which now means I get to lead a group of almost 90 international researchers in this field. Wow - I hope I don't get above myself. I will have to make an appointment to speak to me if this goes on. Won't be able to get my head through the door, etc, etc...
Several of the IFIP 3.6 members are actively present at the LYICT Conference here in Kuala Lumpur. Two of my (yes, 'my') members impressed me yesterday with their presentations in the main venue. Thomas Ryberg (Denmark) presented a talk on Web 2.0 tools entitled 'Patchworking and Power Users', in which he reported on his PhD research project. It involved him closely observing a group of 8 young people as they worked through the problem of 'how to reduce poverty using ICT'. He observed them re-appropriate a large amount of resources, including graphs, photographs, music and video from the Internet as patchwork ideas that they laced together into a final report. He raised issues of copyright, ownership and plagiarism, and we had a healthy debate about the implications of the digital natives and their uses of technology tools.
Later in the same session Ana Carvalho (University of Minho, Portugal) spoke on how she had researched into the effectiveness of podcasting with K-12 students. Although she experienced great technical problems with the audio playback (which had me worrying too about my own presentation to follow), she aquitted herself well and got her message across strongly. Her students largely agreed that podcasting was easy to use but that they didn't want it to replace their teacher. 58 per cent listened to the podcasts twice, and 14 per cent three times, mainly to reinforce their learning, and to gain a deeper understanding of the material they were learning. 58 per cent (not the same 58 per cent, surely?) listened on campus and 28 per cent at home. She concluded that podcasting has an important role to play in K-12 education.
That's it for now - I'm back off to my room to change my shirt.
You can't give an apple to a computer
I have heard Ron speak before. Several times. And he is always fresh, amusing and thought provoking. If he can't produce furrowed brows, says Ron, he is doing something wrong. To engage students, we must produce task-oriented learning he argued. This can come in the form of complex tasks, ill-structured problems and a whole host of other online based exercises designed to keep the learner engaged at a high level of information processing - not just information access, which he considers to be quite passive, or even information organisation, which is getting there, but information processing, which involves critical enquiry and reflection as well as problem solving. He showed several learning models he is currently working on with colleagues, all of which resonated with real teaching and learning.
Ron suggested that good learning must take diversity into account, which may produce arguments (if we are lucky) and dissonance for individual learners. Ultimately, the end result must be diversity of outcome - where every students takes away new skills and knowledge which they can use within their own personal contexts. His talk completed, Ron sat down next to me on the front row. The audience applauded. He had to get back up again and walk out once more, though. They wanted to give him a gift (souvenir) for his speech. Not quite giving the teacher an apple. But well deserved none the less.
5 get a MUVE on
Thanks to all concerned, for making this a memorable and enjoyable experience. A lot could have gone wrong, and I was a little worried about it, I admit. But is shows that you can take risks and it sometimes pays off. Next time, perhaps we will use Second Life as the presentation platform. When we have plucked up enough courage....
Sunday, 6 July 2008
LYICT into shape
Later on this afternoon, I will be doing a joint panel session with some mates on Second Life - it's a bit of a re-heat of the panel presentation we did at Online Educa in Berlin last year, but this time with a difference. Only I will be physically present. The rest of the gang will be spread all over the place in their respective institutions, taking part via the Elluminate Live! Platform.
Life in the Sau(ja)na
I'm here for a four day conference run by IFIP, entitled: ICT and Learning for the Net Generation (LYICT Conference). IFIP is an influential group I have been a member of its working group 3.6 (distance education) since 1999. The conference is two days of open workshops followed by what they call a 'working conference', and boy, do they make us work! Sessions are scheduled from 0900 through to 1930 on the first day and there are four focus groups to choose from: 'New Learning Environments', 'Best Practice in ICT and Youth Empowerment', 'Changing Role of Learners and Teachers', and one that I am chairing which we have called 'Digital Divide and Cultural Understanding' (nobody mention Borat, please...)
I have already bumped into two of the three keynote speakers, Jan Wibe (now retired but formerly at the Norwegian University of Science and Technology, and currently chair of Technical Committee 3 - educational computing), and Ron Oliver (Edith Cowan University, Australia). I'm going to report their speeches and the rest of the event in this blog, so do come back and read some more...
Thursday, 3 July 2008
SL in KL through Elluminate
There has been a change in strategy. I'm a little disappointed we can't use Second Life to do a Second Life panel - it would have been a challenge and quite risky due to technical limitations. So probably a bit 'adrenalined' (is that a word?). But the guys have made a sensible decision to use Elluminate instead, as it requires less bandwidth (we only have 2Mb ps in the hotel conference venue) and the audio and streaming media systems are superior and will be a little less prone to problems.
I'm looking forward to doing this session on Monday, at 0700 BST, but I'm not looking forward to the travelling. It will take me 4 hours to get to Heathrow and then there's the flight - it will take 19 hours to get from London to Kuala Lumpur, and that's before I get to passport control, the baggage carousel, customs, the taxi rank....
Anyone want to go in my place?
I'm looking forward to doing this session on Monday, at 0700 BST, but I'm not looking forward to the travelling. It will take me 4 hours to get to Heathrow and then there's the flight - it will take 19 hours to get from London to Kuala Lumpur, and that's before I get to passport control, the baggage carousel, customs, the taxi rank....
Anyone want to go in my place?
Wednesday, 2 July 2008
SL in KL

You are welcome to join us in world to take part and quz the panel as we explore some of the pedagogical, social and psychological issues that arise when Multi-User Virtual Environments are used for formal and informal learning activities.
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