Wednesday, 31 December 2008
...the Nominations are...

Tuesday, 30 December 2008
The Archaeology of Drivel

I keep a copy of Foucault's 'Archaeology of Knowledge' on my shelf for one reason only - to show my students how not to write if they want their reader to understand. Below is an extract from a post-modernist essay. See if you can understand it:
If one examines the capitalist paradigm of context, one is faced with a choice: either reject surrealism or conclude that consciousness is capable of intent. If prematerial sublimation holds, we have to choose between semantic theory and Derridaist reading.
In a sense, Debord uses the term ‘capitalist capitalism’ to denote the dialectic, and therefore the failure, of postconstructive sexual identity. “Society is intrinsically dead,” says Lacan; however, according to Hanfkopf, it is not so much society that is intrinsically dead, but rather the stasis, and subsequent absurdity, of society. Lyotard’s analysis of semantic theory states that government is part of the defining characteristic of sexuality. It could be said that Sartre promotes the use of the neocapitalist paradigm of discourse to analyse and modify consciousness. If one examines semantic theory, one is faced with a choice: either accept the neocapitalist paradigm of discourse or conclude that society, perhaps surprisingly, has objective value, but only if reality is interchangeable with language; otherwise, Lacan’s model of the materialist paradigm of narrative is one of “Debordist situation”, and thus fundamentally used in the service of maintaining the status quo. The main theme of the works of Burroughs is the bridge between class and sexuality. However, the subject is contextualised involving reality as a paradox.
The primary theme of McElwaine’s critique of Lyotardist narrative is not, in fact, discourse, but subdiscourse. In a sense, Foucault suggests the use of the neocapitalist paradigm of discourse to deconstruct hierarchy. The main theme of the works of Burroughs is a self-supporting totality. Therefore, the subject is interpolated into a means to include language as a reality.
The premise of structuralist deconstruction implies that the purpose of the observer is social comment. In a sense, the subject is contextualised in that it includes consciousness as a totality.
Well, did you understand any of that? If you did, you are (in the words of the post-modernist) 'dissembling'. You see, the abstract above is completely meaningless and was generated by a computer program called the Post Modernism Generator. The program takes stock phrases and sentences at random and simply strings them together. Have a go yourself at generating your own nonsense post-modernist essay. I guarantee you won't be able to tell it apart from the real thing!
Monday, 29 December 2008
What do you meme?

I wrote about memes in a previous blog but it's so far back in the mists of time, I can't remember where I left it. Something about 'Passion Quilts' springs to mind, but it's too much effort. Anyway, the rules apparently, are as follows:
- Link your original tagger(s), and list these rules on your blog.
- Share seven facts about yourself in the post - some random, some weird.
- Tag seven people at the end of your post by leaving their names and the links to their blogs.
- Let them know they’ve been tagged by leaving a comment on their blogs and/or Twitter.
1. I nearly drowned when I was five years old while we were living in Gibraltar. I was pushed over into the dock by a pack of friendly little homicidal maniacs (they may have been rock apes), and yet somehow still managed to clamber back up onto dry land, just to spite them. I have never learned to swim, which is mad as I live in a seaside town.
2. I used to run an independent record label called Broken Records, back in the 80's when vinyl was king and CDs were a mere twinkle in someone's eye.
3. I play several instruments including guitar, keyboards, bass and mandolin to concert standard, but my voice is my most versatile instrument. Mostly though, I like to sing rock, the harder and louder the better, and I was part of the punk/new wave scene in the late 70's and early 80's. (Perhaps that's where my 'edupunk' rebellious streak has its roots)
4. I first met my wife Dawn on the day of her wedding (she had run away from the madman she was due to marry the week before, and had been staying right next door to me, but I failed to notice her). We were married a year later and now have three teenaged children.
5. I am a chocoholic (recovering). I have not eaten chocolate since the first week of August 2008. (er, not in the real sense, where a giant half pound bar of Cadbury's Milk Chocolate could disappear in less than an hour).
6. There is one word that I know in 26 languages, but I'm not telling. You can guess if you like, or try to bribe me, or tie me to the kitchen chair, break my throne or cut my hair, but you will never, ever find out (and it's not hallelujah).
7. I'm allergic to penicillin. If I ingest it, my eyes turn green, my head revolves and my kneecaps fall off. Seriously, if I take penicillin, I tend to become quite ill.
I'm tagging James Clay, Kath Trinder, Stephen Fry, Tara Alexander, Cristina Costa, Andy Black and Sigi Jakob-Kuhn as my unsuspecting victims in the next phase of this dreadfully Random 7 meme.... (they'll all thank me one day)
Sunday, 28 December 2008
The New Mii

Tuesday, 23 December 2008
Digistraction and action

Curtis writes: 'The explosion of new communications technology - the internet and mobile phones - means we've reached a social tipping point of no return: for we are becoming 'always on'. Not only connected all the time to the 'network', but distributing ourselves to others through it'.
On Twitter just a few hours ago Nergiz Kern (Twitter: @NergizK) who is in Turkey remarked that 'Twitter is such a distraction :-) I want to get some work done but always get side-tracked. I still love you all ;)' She seemed mindful (as should we all) that although Twitter was distracting her from her work, she did not wish to alienate herself from her 'network' of friends. I suppose that all of us in the coming year who are distributing ourselves across social networks will need to discover that fine balance between digistraction and action.
Monday, 22 December 2008
Buzz words of 2008

Cloud Computing: Distributing your files away from your desktop and/or accessing programs and services across the Internet using large networks of remote servers. Used to be called distributed computing, but I think cloud computing sounds a little more friendly. Makes sense, I suppose.
Digital Cliff: No, nothing to do with the Peter Pan of Pop going virtual. It describes a sharp degradation of a digital broadcast signal if receivers are beyond a certain distance. This 'digital cliff' could be encountered when broadcasters stop transmitting analogue signals early in 2009. Viewers who received clear analogue signals may find that the new digital signals don’t work.
DWT: Not so much a new word as a new acronym. Driving While Texting – not only downright dangerous, but also stupid.
Edupunk: The philosophy that we should all ‘do it ourselves’, by spurning commercialism and rejecting large corporate products such as PowerPoint and BlackBoard in education (notice I'm not linking to them, so I must be an edupunk!). A word originally coined by so called Edupunk ‘Poster Boy’ Jim Groom. I have blogged about this several times over the year and even gave a presentation on Edupunk at the ALT-C Fringe this year in Leeds.
Friendiligence: This is the amount of your time you spend managing friend requests on Facebook, MySpace, Bebo, Friendster, LInkedIn, etc, etc…. ‘Friendiligence’ reflects the oversaturation of the social networking sphere and the need to ask what your criteria are for ‘friending’ people. Are they real or is it actually spam? Do I actually want 2 million friends on Facebook, or will a paltry 1 million be enough?
Longphoto: This is a video clip of 90 seconds or less. It’s a term used by the photo-sharing Web service Flickr, which began allowing videos to be posted to its site in 2008. Go Pro for $25 a year and you get this facility. Longphotos are not long enough to capture an Obama speech, but long enough to show someone throwing their shoes at Dubya.
MicroTubing: Happening as a kind of ‘atomisation’ of popular media such as television. New forms of content are rapidly proliferating on the social web and many of these appeal to increasingly smaller and more specialised audiences. YouTube has snatched away the initiative from many previously established content producers, and the DVD and satellite TV revolution is also causing MicroTubing to gain pace. Odds on, if you ask someone in work 'did you watch ... last night' - they probably didn't.
Nomophobia: No Mo Phobia (geddit?) Fear of being out of mobile phone contact for a significant period of time. Strikes me that it had to come eventually, although for a while now we have probably been describing this condition as ‘mobile phone addiction’ or tech-dependency.
Photobombing: Inserting an image of yourself in the background of someone else’s photograph. Not sure why people would want to do this, but I suppose it takes all kinds. Photoshop has a lot to answer for.
Swipeout: This occurs when the magnetic strip on your credit card has worn out due to overuse. Not sure whether this word will continue to be in use when the credit crunch and recession really begin to bite in the coming month. Like many workers, it may become redundant...
Anything with Tw- in front of it! ...all these words are inspired by the very popular micro-blogging service Twitter. It allows you to share what you are thinking or doing in just 140 characters per message, by ‘tweeting’ your message to those who ‘follow you’ by subscribing to your stream. Twitter has been so popular in 2008 it has inspired new words and related Web sites. Twitter users (Tweeple or Twits) can now meet up (Tweet-up) and can even check out how successful their tweeting is on Twittergrader. Twemes, Tweetdeck and Twittergroups are just a few other examples of the growing plethora of allied services that have recently appeared – watch out for many more in 2009.
World War 2.0: There's a battle raging out there between those who are committed to the idea of a democratic, open and socially rich web, and those who want to maintain strict control over it, content and concept. The polemic between Andrew Keen (who famously compared bloggers to ‘monkeys with typewriters’) and Web 2.0 champions such as Donald Clarke and Don Tapscott will continue, and we may even witness the outbreak of World War 3.0.
e-Vampire: This is a derogatory term referring to electrical equipment that consumes electricity while in standby mode. It’s symptomatic of our society’s new conscience on going green and saving energy.
Friday, 19 December 2008
2008 Milestones Retro

The no 10. achievement of the year is presenting papers in one year at each of what I consider to be the four most influential e-learning conferences in Europe. EDEN (Lisbon, Portugal), ALT-C (Leeds, England), ICL (Villach, Austria) and Online Educa (Berlin, Germany). I attended all of these and another dozen or so conferences this year, and have met some incredibly smart and passionate academics and professionals, all of whom have inspired me to push forward myself to extend the boundaries of e-learning. I'm very grateful to all of them for their enthusiasm and energy.
My no 9. achievement for 2008 was an invitation for me to edit the proceedings for the ICT and Learning for the Net Generation IFIP conference which was held in Kuala Lumpur in July this year. Working with so many excellent and well known researchers and writers was stimulating and rewarding, and the finished product, complete with ISBN will be a part of the archive of accumulated knowledge in the field of computer based learning.
At no. 8 was a personal honour for me - an invitation to participate in the inaugral Open EduTech Summit which was held in Barcelona in October. Being numbered as one of 40 worldwide experts on open learning and distance education, was indeed an honour for me, particularly when the complete list of those invited is reviewed. I was fortunate to meet with and work alongside some real luminaries in the field such as Mark Bullen, Vijay Kumar and Sugata Mitra.
My no. 7 this year represents another personal honour. This month I was delighted to hear I had been nominated in two categories of the Twitter 'Shorty' Awards - the #education and #nonprofit categories. I don't stand a cat's chance of winning but just being nominated for one award, let alone two, is humbling - but shows that there are people out there who value what I write when I am on Twitter. Whatever the outcome of the awards, I will continue to be a twit for the forseeable future!
No. 6 was the news in September of my promotion within the Faculty of Education to co-ordinate all Education Development and Technology Mediated Learning activities, here at the University of Plymouth. I already convene the University's e-learning research network, but this role now gives me the opportunities to explore new and emerging technologies and how they can be applied to support and enhance learning across an entire faculty. I also now chair the Faculty of Education's Information Technology Committee.
At no 5. is the imminent publication of my fourth book, an edited volume entitled 'Connected Minds, Emerging Cultures', which will be in the bookstores for the first week of 2009. The cover of the book can be seen (above) for the very first time. This book is the second I have published with the US based Information Age publishing house, and my fourth on e-learning to date. It is an achievement for me on a number of levels, including the honour of working with great writers such as Howard Rheingold, John Traxler and Palitha Edirisingha.
At no. 4 was a very recent achievement. I was delighted to be nominated in 2 categories in the prestigious Edublog Awards (the 'Eddies') - best individual blog and most influential blog post. When I look at the competition for these awards, I realise that there is little chance of me winning, but as I have already said, the nomination means a great deal to me personally and professionally. I try to write blog posts that are both entertaining and informative.
At no. 3 is my election as chair of the International Federation for Information Processing (IFIP) Working Group 3.6 on distance education. I was honoured and thrilled to be elected to lead this reputable and highly respected group of researchers and academics. I hope I live up to expectations of the group to contribute toward IFIP's continued success.
At no. 2, I was very pleased to be invited to take over the editorship of a very highly respected journal, Interactive Learning Environments, after serving as Book Reviews editor for two years. I am daunted but excited at the prospect of steering the journal over the next few years, but I have an excellent team of associate editors and a stirling editorial board behind me to help me to ensure that ILE continues its success story.
At no. 1, and my most valued achievement of 2008, is my award of a lifetime EDEN fellowship. I was notified of the award earlier in the year and had to keep it fairly quiet until it was presented at the annual EDEN conference in Lisbon, in June. As one of the awarding committee remarked to me later, 'Someone can be president of EDEN for a short time, but a fellowship is for life'.
It has certainly been a very busy and rewarding year, with plenty of great events to remember, wonderful people to recall meeting for the first time, and excellent things to reflect upon. Here's to a successful and fulfilling year for all of us in 2009! Happy New Year everyone!
Tuesday, 16 December 2008
2008 Places Retro (2)

My no. 2 is Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. Such a long way from home, in deepest Asia, Kuala Lumpur still maintains an immaculate air of Western collonialism amidst its truly Asian ambience (Flowery journalistic crap. Cut it out - Editor). It is truly alien yet familiar at the same time. The heady mix of ethnic groups, chinese, indian, malay, arabic and western makes KL a cosmopolitan city with plenty to offer for everyone. I was impressed by the massive building projects that have been completed over the last decade or so, and a visit to the central downtown area and a gaze up in awe at the incredibly high twin Petronas Towers was an experience I recommend to anyone. Malaysia was oppressively hot for much of the time I was there, but there is so much to see and do, and everywhere is air conditioned, it doesn't really matter that much. A guided tour through some of the jungle around the outskirts of Kuala Lumpur was an eye opener - the place is teeming with a vast diversity of wild life, some of which is very dangerous. The largest species of python in the world (and probably the only true 'man-eating snake' - the reticulated python, makes its home here). The people are friendly and the food is an eclectic fusion of indian, chinese, malay and thai, with a western influence too. It was truly worth the 17 hours of air travel to get there.
My Number 1 for 2008 - Barcelona, Spain. Barcelona is outrageous, astonishing, wild, colourful and filled with people who just want to have fun night and day. It is such a lively city, that just thinking about it makes me feel weary all over again. The first thing that stikes you about this Catalonian city is the scale of the built environment. The architecture is a heady mix of numerous influences, from the grim gothic through to the gaiety of Antonio Gaudi's magnificent masterpieces such as the soaring, iconic Sagrada Familia (it has been under construction since 1882 and is due to be completed in 2025!) and the fairy tale Casa Batilo. Some of the buildings are absolutely staggering to behold - the majestic splendour of the National Palace (Palau Nacionale) is only surpassed by the surprisingly complex colour, light and water combinations of the Magic Fountain (La Fonta Magica). Multicoloured Agbar Tower is another architectural marvel, and is probably twice the size of London's 'Pickle'. Every turn and corner brings you into proximity with another absorbing yet strangely improbable staue, sculpture or landmark. Las Ramblas is worth a long stroll, whether in daytime or at night, because there is always something to do and see down this thoroughfare. They were actually shooting a movie while I was there. The human statues and the buskers are amusing, and the walk eventually takes you downhill past the towering stature of the Navigator (Christopher Columbus) on toward the harbour and the wooden walkways across to the Maremagnum and a huge entertainment and shopping multiplex. Tapas, Paella and Sangria are ubiquitous (not a word you hear everywhere), and the music is live, varied and frentic - Barcelona is the place to go to be entertained. (Stop trying to be funny - it's not working - Editor) Although I spent a mere 3 nights and days there, I saw enough of the city to attract me back again in the not too distant future.
At joint No 1 (Just how many is that now? - Editor) I really must throw a word or two in about bella Venice - I was there in September as a part of the social event of the ICL Conference. I don't think there is any other social event I have attended that compares with it. A day trip to Venice? Arriving by boat? Me, with my reputation? Venice was splendid, ludicrous, frantic (geddit?) and marvellous, all at once. Although I didn't try out the gondolas, I succeeded in hacking off one of the gondoliers, who didn't appreciate having his picture taken I think. Talk about gondolier infelice! I would love to go back to Venice when I have more time, perhaps for a couple of days or so - I only got to see such a small part of one island, and stopped short of the Rialto Bridge because we simply ran out of time. Ah well, maybe next time...
I have several trips already planned for 2009, and some are to places I have never before visited. (....well you won't be getting any funding from me - Editor).
Sunday, 14 December 2008
2008 Places Retro (1)

I have run out of space. No, really I have. I will have to continue this countdown tomorrow. You''ll have to wait for the top five. Same space - different time, depending on when you come back to this blog to view the contents.
Saturday, 13 December 2008
2008 Tools and Technologies Retro

10 - Plurk is a fun tool for microblogging, and is multi-functional. I like the informal nature of the conversations one can enjoy, usually late into the evening with the likes of @Eingang, @nanknits and @misetak. The moving timeline can be useful at times and I appreciate the utility of the chat box that opens for each individual plurk. The animated emoticons are great fun too. I'm not so sure about the 'Karma' status though as it tends to draw users into sending messages for the sake of sending, just so they can get more responses, and therefore raise their Karma points. Well ... whatever it takes....
9 - Crowdvine is a very impressive tool. It is a social space for people to meet and share their resources, but it also acts as a conference/event schedule manager so you can connect face-to-face with others you are interested in meeting, or have similar interests with. It is one of the best aggregators I have seen yet, and will probably prove to be better than No 8. below eventually...
8 - I was first introduced to Twemes at EduMedia in Salzburg in June this year. It is a very useful little aggregator, working on hash tagging, to bring together Twitter tweets, Flickr images and other tags such as Delicious on blogs. Although it is at times a little flakey, Twemes has worked reasonably well at several recent events to draw together all the artefacts, thoughts and memories in one place. Try it. You'll like it.
7 - Slideshare is a very simple, but most effective web service which enables you to load up your complete PowerPoint slide shows (or other files such as pdf files) direct to a webspace and then make them available to others. A hit counter tells you how many times each slideshow has been viewed, and there are also comments boxes and friends tools to create the social connections.
6 - Several times in the last few months I have had a Flip video camera waved in my face, and have given interviews which are subsequently uploaded to the web. It is a simple little camera with a flipout USB drive to interface with your laptop. I am being given one by my wife (steady on) as a Christmas gift this year, so I will start using it in anger soon. I will let you know how I get on with it via this blog.
5 - Blip.fm - I only became a web DJ this week, but I have already discovered that the number of new friends you can make through this service is phenomenal. It has to be the social networking tool of 2008. Blip.fm is a little like Flickr in concept - but instead of making connections through pictures, you do it through playing your favourite music tracks on the web. 'Props' (award points) are given and received when people like the track you are playing. Blip.fm is a superb tool in many ways.
4 - Nintendo DS (Dual Screen) Lite. All three of my kids had one already, so I knew what they were capable of, but there is no substitute for hands on experience. I finally managed to get my hands on one when I was given it as a part of the deal when registering early for Handheld Learning 2008. It arrived in a package and I was soon using it for brain training, gaming and of course, testing out the Pictochat capabilities. This is an extremely versatile tool which is only at the very edge of its pedagogical uses. We need to find out a lot more about how we can use the DS in real, creative learning contexts.
3- Wetpaint is quite simply the most versatile wiki I have ever used. I used one for the first time when we set up F-ALT this year. I particularly like the picture clouds it generates as this enables me to track student contributions visually to ensure that all my group stay on board. I will continue to use the ad-free versions as quasi-virtual learning environments for my groups next year. Just you watch me.
2- Here's my No. 2 tool for 2008. I was given an Apple iPhone for Christmas 2007 by my darling wife, and it has travelled with me everywhere (of course) ever since. It is not perfect, but one thing it has over all the other smart phones is its multi-gesture touch screen which has simply got to be the future of handheld technologies. I have not yet upgraded to 3G but it is only a matter of time...
1- My number one new tool for 2008 has to be the magnificent Twitter. This microblogging tool has grown exponentially over the last 12 months, and as I write I have a following of around 600 people, many of whom I respect greatly for their contributions to our understanding of learning technology. Some of my conversations on Twitter over the last few months have been rich and meaningful, and have given me much food for thought. There are so many new Twitter related tools appearing very week it is hard to keep up with them all, so I won't try. But the very fact they are all appearing attest to the rapid rise in popularity of Twitter. I believe that as 2007 was the year of Facebook, so 2008 has been the year of Twitter.
So those are my top ten tools and technologies of 2008. We can of course look forward to many more exciting new tools and technologies in the coming year, because as we all know, the pace of change never slows, and innovation is its child.
Friday, 12 December 2008
2008 Conferences Retro

Thursday, 11 December 2008
Edupunk stalks the institution...

JISC, UCISA and Universities UK recognise this challenge and are today launching two new briefing papers to help institutions understand the implications and opportunities involved in no longer hosting their own email service.
Steve Bailey, Senior Advisor at JISC infoNet, said: "Outsourcing email and data storage facilities is being viewed as an increasingly attractive proposition by many institutions faced with growing user demand for increased storage and functionality.
"However, it is important that institutions enter into such arrangement with their eyes wide open and fully appreciate that outsourcing these services does not also outsource their management responsibilities, liabilities and obligations.
"These papers highlight the experiences of four institutions, the University of Westminster, the University of Oxford, Leeds Metropolitan University and Glasgow Caledonian University on how they considered outsourcing and what solutions worked for them," added Steve.
The opportunities include:
* Enhanced and enriched student learner experience
* Email account with an ac.uk address
* Retain email account beyond leaving education
* Storage of emails in GB rather than MB - greater capacity
* Access calendar and file storage services
* Information sharing.
The implications are:
* Hidden setup costs
* Legal, contractual and procurement processes
* Whether to outsource email services for learners, or learners and staff
* Privacy and confidentiality of data storage
* Compliance with Freedom of Information and Data Protection Acts
* Beta status of services - which are constantly changing.
David Harrison, Chair of UCISA, said, "There are many aspects an institution should consider before opting to outsource. These papers highlight the issues and encourage institutions to take a holistic view when considering outsourcing."
Wednesday, 10 December 2008
2008 Friends Retro
Have a peaceful and prosperous new year!
- Tara Alexander (University of Plymouth) - only met Tara @blueocean47 a few weeks back when she joined us from the great state of Texas, but already we are working together on some research around Web 2.0. Tara has a lot of energy and learns fast - it's great to work with her.
- Andy Black (Handheld Learning, London and Online Educa, Berlin) Andy's Black Hole was known to me long before I bumped into him. Andy @andyjb is a dynamo and you need to stand well clear when he gets going...
- danah boyd (Handheld Learning, London) What a pleasure, after reading her work for so long, to finally talk to danah, and then to have the whole conversation recorded and posted to the web.
- Mark Bullen (Open EduTech, Barcelona) Another academic whose work I was familiar with long before I met him. A foil to Prensky and a great all round guy.
- Dianne Conrad (EDEN, Lisbon) We met at breakfast and spent a great deal of time during the conference. It was a pleasure to share ideas and discuss distance education for a few days in the sun of colourful Lisbon.
- Jay Cross (Edumedia, Salzburg) Jay is the informal learning guy, and a great image maker too. He spent the evening before the conference taking pictures of us all, and then when he gave his keynote, there we all were - on his first slide
- Ulf-Daniel Ehlers (EDEN, Lisbon and Online Educa, Berlin) - the gentle giant - full of ideas and well respected in the field of e-learning. Ulf is an inspiration and a real encouragement to all.
- Philippa Gerbic (IFIP, Kuala Lumpur) - I met Philippa in Kuala Lumpur for the first time after plenty of e-mails. This kiwi and I worked together with Elizabeth Stacey on a new volume on blended learning which is published in the new year.
- Mirjam Hauck (EDEN, Lisbon) - another dynamo, this time of the feminine variety. Mirjam and I were partners in crime as we blogged our way through the EDEN conference together.
- Wolf Hilzensauer (Edumedia, Salzburg and ICL, Villach) - Wolfie has a sense of humour that is wicked and ironic. He is also one of the most knowledgeable people I know on the subject of e-portfolios.
- Sigi Jakob-Kühn (Edumedia, Salzburg) - Sigi is a bundle of fun - we spent quite some time together touring around Salzburg, and we have followed each other ever since through each other's blogs.
- Paul Kirschner (Open EduTech, Barcelona) - I simply need to say 'digital scaffolding' because it was our idea and a joint effort. We are fellow psychologists with a lot more in common, and I hope we can work together again in the near future.
- Debby Knotts (Open EduTech, Barcelona) - it was nice to spend some time with Debby and to work with her in the awesome team 'D' at Open EduTech, in the wonderful, outrageous city of Barcelona.
- Peter Micheuz (IFIP, Kuala Lumpur, and ICL, Villach) - The man who bought my book straight off the shelf in Kuala Lumpur and asked me to sign it on the bus home. I met Peter again when he presented at ICL - and I learned a lot from him.
- Marc Prensky (Handheld Learning, London) - Marc sidled up to danah and I as we discussed digital identity under the unblinking eye of Kramer's camera. I didn't know who he was and he certainly didn't know me. We do now though.
- John Sanders (ICL, Villach) - @greyrab my new Aussie mate with whom I spent a lot of time at ICL. Several meals and drinks, and a day trip to Venice later, we are still in contact through Twitter, even though we are separated by 12 time zones.
- Dirk Schneckenberg (EDEN, Lisbon) - Dirk is a very creative individual, and I look forward to working with Dirk and Ulf on their new edited volume around the idea of Web 2.0 technologies in education next year.
- Kath Trinder (Handheld Learning, London) - @ktrinder Twitter buddy extraordinaire. Nice to finally meet her face to face after all those tweets.
- Jon Trinder (Handheld Learning, London) - @jont - husband of the above, and a jolly decent guy. Rarely laugh so hard as I do when I read some of Jon's tweets.
- Joss Winn (ALT-C, Leeds) - together with James Clay, we created the video 'It's not for girls!' about gender and technology, at ALT-C in Leeds.
Tuesday, 9 December 2008
My top 10 of everything
Over the next week or two in the run up to Christmas I'm going to look back over the highlights of a year spent immersed in the world of digital learning and communication technology.
A lot has happened where new ideas and tools have risen to prominence, old ideas have been challenged, and there have been significant events, globally, nationally and personally. I'm going to use the following coding for the next few postings:
- 2008 Conferences Retro is a look back at what in my opinion were the top ten learning technology conferences I attended during the year. It was not difficult this year selecting '10 of the best' because I was fortunate enough to attend several high profile ones in Europe and Asia, and honoured to be invited to speak at a lot more.
- 2008 Tools Retro reviews the top ten new tools and technologies I have been introduced to and have become familiar with this past year. Some have crept up on me and have pervaded my life. Others have been more sudden and surprising. Some are already indispensable and others are growing on me.
- 2008 Friends Retro is a tribute to some of the great new friends I have made and especially those who have impressed me in 2008. I will pay tribute to those who have influenced my own thinking for the first time this year through our conversations and personal contact.
- 2008 Places Retro showcases the top ten places I have visited this past year, and highlights their best features and attractions. I hope to reflect upon the sights I have seen, food and drink I have enjoyed and any interesting travel anecdotes I can muster.
- 2008 Achievements Retro will be a reflection on my own top ten personal and professional achievements over the last year. I recommend doing this kind of reflection, as it's good to look back and see where you have come from, if only to determine where you are headed.
I hope you will enjoy reading these memories, views and reflections of 2008, even though they are my own personal (and probably at times highly opinionated) ones! I know it's a tad self indulgent, but flippin' heck, it's Christmas - what's a boy to do?