Sounds like common sense to me, but what he doesn't say (at least in the BBC news report) is that non-ionising radiation from mobile phones and wi-fi laptops target two of the most sensitive, high fluid content organs in the body - the brain and the gonads. How serious is that, and what will be the long term effects? Well, not many people have paid serious attention to the issue, mainly because the mobile phone companies have a vested interest in making sure it is not an issue (But check out George Carlo's research, for an alternative perspective).
The second item of news, found in the Guardian Online, argues that mobile phone masts have been responsible for the disappearance (read 'deaths') of Britain's sparrow population. Got me thinking... what other things are fast disappearing as a result of more than 35,000 mobile phone masts in our society? How about a top 5?
- Accurate spelling for those under 25
- Unspoilt British countryside
- Local Government integrity (hmmm....)
- Peaceful rides on public transport
- Uninterrupted meetings, cinema shows, concerts, theatre .....
Want to add some more?